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New Member Registration
Fill in your basic information to join the website as a member.
Note: Remember to include the country code with the phone number.
e.g., +886xxxx, +1xxxxx.
Worldwide shipping, here is an example of how to fill in the phone number:
國家或地區 | Countries and Regions | Area code | Number format |
中國 | China | 86 | +86 13123456789 |
香港 | Hong Kong | 852 | +852 61234567 |
澳門 | Macao | 853 | +853 66123456 |
新加坡 | Singapore | 65 | +65 81234567 |
日本 | Japan | 81 | +81 7012345678 |
馬來西亞 | Malaysia | 60 | +60 123456789 |
法國 | France | 33 | +33 655551122 |
澳大利亞(澳洲) | Australia | 61 | +61 412345678 |
加拿大 | Canada | 1 | +1 2042345678 |
英國 | United Kingdom | 44 | +44 7400123456 |
美國 | United States | 1 | +1 2223334444 |
德國 | Germany | 49 | +49 17812345678 |
大韓民國(韓國/南韓) | South Korea | 82 | +82 1023456789 |
阿曼 | Oman | 968 | +968 92123456 |
阿拉伯聯合大公國 | United Arab Emirates | 971 | +971 2 441 4666 |
Add the desired items to your shopping cart and click the "Cart Icon" to proceed to the checkout page.
Select the preferred shipping method from the options below.
Enter your credit card information.
Provide your overseas contact information and address.
Order placed successfully! We will arrange the shipment of your items through EMS, and you can expect delivery within approximately 8 to 10 business days. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask us on WhatsApp.